interACT @ ISAL 2019
23-25 September 2019 | Darmstadt, Germany
Two interACT papers were presented in International Symposium on Automotive Lighting (ISAL 2019), held on 23-25th September 2019, in Darmstdt in Germany. Dr. Carmen Kettwich, from DLR, presented the paper entitled “ Light-based Communication of Automated Vehicles with other Traffic Participants – A Usability Study in a Virtual Reality Environment”. Marc Kaup, from HELLA, presented the paper under the title “I have detected you – Perception-based Interaction Strategy for Automated Vehicles”. Both presentations took place during the parallel session “Automated Vehicles: Signaling” on 24th September 2019.
ISAL is an international conference where researchers, engineers, experts and regulative bodies have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and present recent research results and developments on automotive lighting.