interACT newsletter N1 | December 2017
About interACT
As Automated Vehicles (AVs) will be deployed in mixed traffic, they need to interact safely and efficiently with other traffic participants. The interACT project will be working towards the safe integration of AVs into mixed traffic environments. In order to do so, interACT will analyse todays’ human-human interaction strategies, and implement and evaluate solutions for safe, cooperative, and intuitive interactions between AVs and both their on-board driver and other traffic participants.
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Requirements and Definition of interACT scenarios
As the natural traffic environment consists of a manifold variety of traffic scenes, it is essential for the technical work within the interACT project to reduce the complexity of the traffic environment to a manageable number of relevant use cases and scenarios that an AV could be confronted with. Therefore, we started the project with an agreement on and definition of relevant interACT use cases and scenarios among all industrial and academic consortium members. The interACT use cases and scenarios have been selected using a step‐wise process of intensive discussions within the consortium...
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Cross-cultural observation of naturalistic traffic
Implementing automated driving functions in urban traffic environments is an ambitious task – different road users pursue different goals leading to unforeseeable situations that drivers nowadays have to adapt to. This is usually done by either maneuvering around possible obstacles or by communicating ones intent to other traffic participants. This traffic interaction can be classified into two groups: (1) implicit communication - this includes among others velocity, acceleration and maneuvering by drivers but also gait and body movements by pedestrians (2) Explicit communication - this includes conscious behavior, which is directly visible and addressed to other road users (e.g. gestures, flashing lights)... subscribe
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interACT workshop @ the RSS 2017 - Road Safety & Simulation International Conference
On 16 October 2017 Prof. Dr. Natasha Merat (ITS Leeds) – a member of the interACT consortium organized a workshop entitled “External communication techniques for automated vehicles interacting with other road users in mixed traffic” at RSS2017 – Road Safety & Simulation International Conference. The aim of this workshop was to investigate what information pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers of manually controlled vehicles use to interACT with each other in a mixed traffic environment, in order to inform on appropriate means of cooperation and interaction between these actors and automated vehicles...
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2nd GA meeting @ ITS Leeds
The 2nd GA meeting for interACT was held at ITS Leeds, UK on November 7th & 8th 2017. During the first day of the meeting, the consortium discussed the latest achievements across the active WPs and planned also the work for the next period. In addition a visit to the observation site in Leeds was organized. During the second day, three technical workshops were organised for specific work items that needed further focus...
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723395.
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