Centro Ricerche Fiat SCpA (CRF)
Strada Torino 50 – 10043 Orbassano, Italy
About CRF
Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A. (CRF) was established in 1976 to enable the innovation, research and development needs of the FIAT Group to be satisfied. The main site of CRF is located near Torino (Orbassano) in North-West Italy with three branches in Trento, Bari and Foggia. With a full-time workforce of more than 850 highly trained professionals, CRF offers a wide range of technical competencies and is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories for the testing of powertrains, electro-magnetic compatibility, experimental noise and vibration analysis, driving simulation and virtual reality, in addition to facilities for the development of new materials and manufacturing processes, optoelectronics and micro-technologies. The ADAS Department has several years of experience in research and development ofAdvanced Driver Assistance Systems both for automotive companies (mainly Fiat Group Automobiles and IVECO) and public supported projects
Role in the project
The main role of CRF in the project involves the following WPs
WP1 => Definition of target scenarios, use-cases and requirements
WP3 => Contributions to the development of interaction algorithms for CCP Unit and of the safety layer (minimum risk maneuver included)
WP5 => Preparation, integration and implementation of CRF demo, coordination of WP5 and Driver’s monitoring activities
WP6 => Definition of performance indicators and contribution to tests.